Life is a bitch...
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Today's Lyrics: Confessions Of A Futon Revolutionist - Weakerthans

"I-76 is slow from the Conshohocken Curve to the Blue Route..." You better believe it is. And they say it every morning you think I'd learn. But no, I'm speeding along when they start to appear, brake lights, and I know what it means, even as I start to slow down; I'm going to be late. And that's not all. I missed my exit and was all the way through central Philly before I realized it. All ended well, though, and I did eventually reach work.

Work wasn't really all that bad. Especially when you considered that I'm getting paid for nine hours of work and I only actually worked seven. For lunch, me the Psych major and the other Sara went to the Gallery, just down the block. YOu think you've seen a food court? You've seen nothing until you've been to the Gallery. On top of that it's in a mall that makes Berkshire look like a mom and pop operation.

Drive home was slow going. I have yet to understand the reasoning behind people who feel the need to come to a dead stop in the middle of a lane and WATCH as people drive around them. Then only after carefully studying the drivers of twenty or so cars do they pull forward at high rates of speed almost rear ending the car that has managed to make it's way around the obstruction. I think it's some sort of cultural phenomenon. I've only ever seen it in Philly.

Lunar Eclipse tonight... Danna told me, so I rushed outside and sure enough the once full moon was half gone. I stop typing periodically to go check on it. Last time I checked it was almost gone... there's only a tiny sliver... Danna said it's supposed to be completely gone at 8:06 and then it's supposed to turn blood red. How awesome is that?

I've been tryingt o fix up my template, make my blog look a bit neeter. But it's going slowly, because I don't have much time to work on it. Plus I have to relearn HTML... but when it's done it will be the most kick ass site you ever seen. For now though, Ciao. 
Today's Lyrics: Self-Centered - Bowling For Soup

There's no place like home my friends; However dull, backward and uninformed it may be. Tim's home and so am I. Glad of it too. 222 needs to be blown up... interpret that as you like. His roomate came back smashed and fell asleep, in his underwear... Now I'm not one to needlessly insult someone, but really, did I NEED to see that. I don't happen to think so.

We went to see Matrix Revolutions... not bad, not bad at all, but I feel awful about my sarcastic comments of yesterday. Then we went back to his room and had just put in Cowboy Bebop when his room mate returned. We finished watching that... I LOVE the part where Spike says "Just a humble bounty hunter ma'am." You can see clips of it here. It's gotta be about the sexiest thing I've ever heard.

So I'm home. And it's good, contrary to most of my beliefs. 
  Porn Stars vs. Speed Demons
English patterns of development, maybe you know them, but I'm willing to bet that you don't love them. Process Analysis, Division Classification, Description, Narration, Exemplification and Comparison Contrast... Do you know what Marylin Manson, Never Never Land, a car or happiness have in common with college? You don't want to. But should it ever be the thousand dollar question on Jeopardy the answers are They're both scary, People dream of going to both, They both cost alot of money, and they both have strict entrance requirements. Scared yet?

Well how much do porn stars make? Did you know that female porn stars make almost three times what a male porn star makes. This is the sort of thing you learn in math class. And as you all know math is an important tool for your future, either that or it teaches you about tools...

The Matrix Revolutions came out yesterday at nine am... and I haven't seen it yet. Niether has anyone else I know, but word is Neo has no eyes... not very reliable word, or even very serious for that matter, but keep that in mind when you watch the movie. Because, "There are no eyes."

Deep down in our darkest hearts we are all speed demons, even that elderly lady in front of you who thinks that the 55 m.p.h. sign actually reads 22. We like to go fast, we need to go fast; it's inscribed on our DNA. So I get to drive today, on the turnpike, my own personal heaven... crank up the tunes, maybe roll the windows down, if it's not still raining and dare the other drivers to play. Almost makes up for the loss of Neo's eyes. I was heart broken over that =)

Well I'm off to have a spifilicious day... Enjoy yours and remember it pays to be a porn star. 
I got a new computer a few weeks back and it's been sitting in its box, patiently awaiting the day when my room would be clean and I would tear through the layers of packaging tape, cardboard, styrofoam and instruction manuals to free it from it's prison. That day came, but today, it went on line. I can almost hear the keyboard hum with joy as I type. Today Is a good day... now I need to finish transferring my music, my AIM and my Word Docs... then the great awakening shall be complete. 7|-|15 R0xx0R!!! \/\/007!!!

  Who says chivalry is dead?
Todays Lyrics: Concept of my Pants - Tony Bullard

Today wasn't bad. Not good, but decent. I got a 68 on my math test and a 55 on my english midterm essay. So that wasn't good, but the rest of the day was so average that I had forgotten until just now. After class, Jess came over and he installed my new heater while I made lunch. You can be silent about typical female roles, too, because when we wrestle I always win. I just happen to like cooking more then I like fooling with electricity. Then I cleaned my room top to bottom, it's gorgeous. My new computer and my new bookshelves. It's awe inspiring, now I have to not mess it up long enough to get my bathroom clean.

Thursday afternoon I'm driving out to Indiana, PA to bring Tim home for his birthday. I'm gonna stay overnight til friday when we leave. He insists that he sleeps on the floor while I take the bed. Men!!! They pick the oddest times to insist on being nice. Personally though, I am now determined to sleep on that floor, just to be difficult of course. =)

Tomorrow Mes Chers! 
  Welcome to my world
Todays Lyrics: Avalanche - Butthole Surfers

So I had my critique today and I came out relatively unscathed, the Circle cracked up once though and Grand PooBah Nelson smote us with his stool of power. Other then that it's been a damn fine day. I got to sleep through history and managed a nap after I got home. And now that the Trompe of Eye is done I can restore my room to some semblance of order. Well anyway, I've got the whole early class tomorrow and we wouldn't want to sleep through any more would we? Of course not.

Good Night, Farewell, Au Revoir and what not. 
...this is true. But she's my bitch.

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  • Name: ItGirl
  • DOB: 3.31.85
  • Location: Boyertown,PA,USA
  • Interests: Writing, Computer, Books, Comics, Movies, Cats, LJ...
  • Friends: Jess, Angie, Tim, Danna, Jasmine, Karen