Life is a bitch...
  We interupt this broadcast...
... Well there's nothing special about this report. Just my usual gibber. Last art class was wednesday... though crtique will be monday... It's sadness... I will missage The Circle. Though according to the Nelson I will be permitted to go on the New York Trip next semseter. Last math and english class today. I'm glad english is over. HJ drove me nuts... I hated her less then Stahl, but i hated her class more then I could ever hate a mere research paper. I must admit a bit of sadness at the ending of math class, perhaps I should have said something to the boy, but alas I am shy and I did not. Perhpas on the day of the final, but I am not hopeful. I only have History tomoro as the last pysch class was wednesday as well. I vow here and now that I will NOT sleep through this last class. He's not a bad teacher and it's the least I can do.

Angie is home and Tim as well. Nothing particularly interesting to report an that front. I was supposed to have a party Saturday night because the rents will be absent until sunday, but I'm not good at that sort of thing and I'm not exactly neck deep in friends. O well, my own fault. So there is no party but I can always use the time to work on the art project that looms so large in my head and there's always a math test to complete and finals to study for. No lack of things to do. I am content. We will now return to your regularly scheduled programming. 
  So it begins thus it ends
You know that song Closing TIme by Semisonic? "Every new beging is some other beginings end"... and it's true, everyone knows it is. And that truth is what causes all the problems. Because why can't we have both... how do you chose... such forth and so on. Hence the word regret... but you know you don't have to go around regretting everything you do... don't second geuss yourself at every turn it's not worth it and it's painful. Well what if I had done this or that or the other thing? Go on people be firm in your decisions.. they may not be prefect, but that's the beauty of life... (I looked for this lovely thing I read about Jackson Pollock once, but I cna't find it)

The semester is ending last classes are friday and then a week of finals... I'm glad, but I'm sad too. I'll miss it... that and I'm horrendously stressed by the suddenly large amount of work I have. That's the way it goes... I'll miss the Circle and the Grand High Nelson and charles the Violent. I'll miss that kid in my math class, who's name is Ryan by the way. I'll miss Sean from English and the passion of my math teacher... I'll miss that lovely two hour nap that I got in Psych and History... but it's nice to be going.

On a more cheerful note... go out and find everything you can on Francis Bacon... You can't help but loving that man. We were watching this kick ass movie of an interview of him in art class... the man is hysterical. He's drunk all the time, but that isn't why it's so great... it's what he says... great quotes such as:

"I'm profoundly optimistic about nothing." ~Francis Bacon

"I believe in a deeply ordered chaos." ~Francis Bacon

I mean really how much better can you get. Here you have a man who is optimistic. Very optimistic about nothing at all. And deeply ordered chaos? What's not to love? And it only gets better...

Interviewer: I notice you paint alot of your figures coupled. Why do you like showing couples of that nature?
Francis Bacon: Well, there's less talking. People are quieter.

Cynical? Maybe. Truthful? Sure. Funny? As hell.

Another lovely part came toward the end of the movie when Bacon anounces: I like men.
Charles the Violent immeadiatly turns to Nelson: Is he gay?
Grand High Nelson: Not anymore. He's dead.

You gotta admire that sort of glib response. It's an art form and it's alot funnier then making big decisions.

I did like the ones he gave later on... I'm not sure how he meant them, but ti's easy to see where he got them and maybe just maybe there's a bit of truth to them. Well more then a bit.

"From birth to death there'e nothign but the violence of life." ~ GHN paraphrasing Bacon

"Reality is pain." ~Francis Bacon

Well as sad as I am to leave you I've got much to do today... a drawing, an evil demon possesed drawing... a paper, an evil english possesed paper and clean... cleaning isn't possesed by anyhitng it's just inherently evil... So I'm gonna go do some evil... wish me luck. 
  Violence is the Answer

What Is Your Battle Cry?

Hark! Who is that, skulking over the mini-mall parking lot! It is ItGirl, hands clutching gilded boxing gloves! And with a low cry, her voice cometh:

"I'm going to beat you all the way to Wankerhof, and grin like a fucking maniac!"

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  O Christmas Tree!!!
Long time no blog... not like I didn't have anything to say... I'm just a bum. Today was Christmas tree day. Every year my dad and I go up to the place on Little Rd. and pick out a tree. So we trimmed it up and it's in the house all ready for decorating.

Yesterday the New York trip with Grand High Nelson, the Circle and Charles the Violent was cancelled, so that was sadness. Wasn't a bad day though. Got up and shoveled the driveway with Pops while the Ladie was at work. My shoulders are still a bit sore. Then I played in the snow with little kitty for a bit. Ladie came home and we went to the mall and the movies for lunch and a booklet of movie certificates. Then I helped her clean the house so we could put the tree in its right spot. The rents went out for dinner with some people and Jess and I went to all kinda of stores to get odds and ends. I picked up a Christmas present or two and I may go back today to get another. I had a lovely time talking to peoples and working on my comic... I'm slow so sue me.

Pops made soup today too and that's always good. Well the trees up so maybe I'll decorate it, maybe I'll go the mall... I should really be cleaning my room , but I'm feeling lazy, maybe I'll go run or put my clothes away... who knows.  
...this is true. But she's my bitch.

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  • Name: ItGirl
  • DOB: 3.31.85
  • Location: Boyertown,PA,USA
  • Interests: Writing, Computer, Books, Comics, Movies, Cats, LJ...
  • Friends: Jess, Angie, Tim, Danna, Jasmine, Karen