Life is a bitch...
  Are you my mommie?
Who are your Celebrity Parents? by opp_girl_4_tp
Your Name
Your MomAngelina Jolie
Your DadMaury Povich
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

  And A Merry Christmas to you
Does it seem that Christmas comes earlier every year? Halloween wasn't even over before the lights were up. And why do we even bother with Thanksgiving? Just gives people another holiday to get tense about. "I don't know why people wait till Christmas to kill themselves?" ~ Becker However, I don't actually mind, as such. Since I pretty much ignore stress. I actually didn't have too bad a holiday. Saw Tim for a bit Wednesday night. It was interesting if nothing else.

But it was Thanksgiving that was the real fun. All the cuzes were back from Vriginia for the feast. Dinner was pretty good and they didn't even try to force feed me turkey. After dinner we all played Catch Phrase. It's the perfect game for a loud argumentative family like mine. All of the cuzes, minus Conor, were on one team and all the adults, minus my dad were on the other. We beat them for three straight games. The best part though, had to be Jay. My grandfather does everything slow and with deliberation and Jay mocked him without mercy. But he did it so well and he never got caught with the buzzer. If I hadn't a been on his team I would have killed him.

"There was a prince..." "CHARMING!" "...and he had a princess..." "SNOW WHITE!" "... but I don't really know her name. This prince had a magic carpet..." "ALLADIN!" "... the end..."


But Uncle David didn't come, so after, my mom and I went to see him. I tortured him to death with hugs. I LOVE that man. The cuzes and my mom and Aunt Mary and I talked to eleven about everything under the sun. It was lots of fun. I really miss them when they're not around. But then it was time to go home.

Today I was up at six to go to work... security training. Got home around noon and went back to bed. I slept till about 3:45 when the phone rang. My mom wanted to know if I wanted to go to the movies with the cuzes. So we went to see "Love Actually"

Marvelous movie... Check it out. Love comes in all shapes and sizes... like that quote on my wallpaper, "It's not who you love... it's how."

So to all you hopeless romantics... "Let us go get the shit kicked out of us by love." ~Sam 
  Happy Humpday
So it has possibly been one of the most boring days of my life. The only thing that really saved me was the book I read for most of it: The Redemption of Althalus by David and Liegh Eddings. First day of Thanksgiving break and I've got nothing to do. All my "friends" are home now and not one of them would care to see me. Maybe it's my fault, but, oh well, no sense in feeling sorry for yourself.

I did go to the mall briefly with Jess, but I didn't buy anything and we left soon...

In other news, I've got two new pages. VERiTAS & AEQUiTAS and an ART Deviant page. Though I have no comic as of yet to post on the first one and the second one rarely works for me. I'm not quite sure why. But I've given up. I'm going to spend the gloomy evening listening to my music (Currently Perfect by Simple Plan) and reading my book.

Cheers to you all and Happy Thanksgiving Break.  
  Free Gold Bricks
A very wealthy man owned a gold mine. He had been so very blessed with riches beyond anyone's wildest dreams that he looked upon the suffering of the people around him and felt the urge to give back some of what he had been fortunate enough to receive.

So the man loaded up a wheelbarrow with gold bricks and began walking down the road toward the next village. On the way, whenever he met someone, he would ask, "Like a free gold brick?"

Most people looked at him as though he were a mad man, shaking their heads and quickly moving along.

Some stopped and looked at the bricks, then, curious, took one and upon later examination, were pleasantly surprised to find that the bricks were, indeed, of the purest gold. Before they could take a brick, though, the man asked that they tell everyone they could about the man giving away free gold bricks. Otherwise, they were to give their brick away and come back for another. These few ALSO, were looked upon as lunatics by many of the people that they told(when they kept their word and told folks). Still, KNOWING that the bricks were gold and real, they kept on telling everyone they cared about, KNOWING that if they would just see for themselves, they wouldn't be disappointed.

Finally there were those that doubted the bricks were free or that they were real or that the man even wanted to give them away at all. They would say, "Prove it's real gold." or "So what's the catch?" or even "Tell me old man, why SHOULD I take one of these bricks? If you're giving them away, they can't be that valuable."

To these, and ONLY to these, the man responded,

"I am giving these bricks away as they are. I am not a salesman, I am your brother, so I want only your happiness. If you must be convinced of the value of these bricks, then I'm afraid I cannot help. See, this gold is free, and so I cannot sell it to you. If you must be convinced before you will take one, I'm afraid you will have to sell them to yourself."

~Dafremen (Blather)

I love you guys. 
  Closed on Thanksgiving
Listening to Alice's Restaurant by Arlo Guthrie... a wonderful song that will always mean Thanksgiving to me. Classes are over now. Thanksgiving break has begun. To tell the truth the only thing I really have to be glad about is not having class. Seems everything is slowly going wrong and I'm not sure why or how to fix it. Thought of a name for my web comic... Veritas & Aequitas. I haven't got a story line as of yet... or a whole one anyway... just a few ideas. Seems that drawing the strips isn't the hard part after all. So I got home today, completely at a loss as to what I should do. And I thought, "Hey, I'll go to the mall and start my Christmas shopping," but I didn't. I turned around just before route 100 and came home. So now I'm listening to my music and moping about. Perhaps I'll finally clean out my tub. Yes that's it. Well I geuss it's better then nothing. So you have fun doing what ever it you do... and I'll clean a tub. 
  So it goes... So it spins
Wrote that once... all prepared to make a poem out of it. But that's how I left it dangling precariously from lines on the page. I swirled the tip of my pen over the paper and closed the book. Opening it today, the phrase makes sense. Life goes on, perhaps a bit dull perhaps mundane and seemingly pointless. But it goes on... the World just keeps spinning. Round and round. You have good days and bad days and exciting days and dull days. Eventually they all swirl together into that thing we call life. "Life is a tale told by an idiot" ~Jhon Varley He might just be onto something. We're all idiots to some degree or another and here we are pretending we know what to do, how to make it all work. We're born into a world that is hard and we go about telling ourselves we can do anything. That innate and optimistic sense of hope that is born in us all. And maybe we can do anything when we're young. Like the cartoon character who has just run off the cliff. If we don't look down, we'll never fall. But we do look down. We look down and it comes crashing around our ears. Maybe they should teach us that before they teach us to walk. Maybe if they taught us to keep our eyes on what we were chasing we'd go through life a little better off. Or maybe it's not so bad to fall. As long as we take those falls like Wyle E. Cyote did. He always smashed straight through the rock. He fell hard and it hurt, we could all see those stars hover around his head. But did he give up? That rodarunner got him everytime, is still getting him and he never gives up. We all laugh at him, but maybe that cyote is onto something. 
...this is true. But she's my bitch.

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  • Name: ItGirl
  • DOB: 3.31.85
  • Location: Boyertown,PA,USA
  • Interests: Writing, Computer, Books, Comics, Movies, Cats, LJ...
  • Friends: Jess, Angie, Tim, Danna, Jasmine, Karen