Life is a bitch...
  The eve before Christmas
It's the eve before Christmas and nobody is here
They're getting ready for parties all in good cheer
The present's are wrapped and credit cards maxed
But no one is minding cause it's time to relax
The stockings are stuffed and the tree decorated
No, wait, you know what, Christmas is way overrated
You can forget about this poem I've got other things to do
Oh and Merry Christmas to you!!! 
  Let's Go To China...
Being in love was like China: you knew it was there, and no doubt it was very interesting and some people went there, but I never would. I spent all of my life without ever going to China, but it wouldn't matter because there was all ther rest of the world to visit...

... and then we were kissing each other and oh, it was more then China, it was paradise. I'd known it... I'd been to China.

Sometimes you read things in books and they hit so close to home. I been reading alot lately, geuss to keep the boredom back. The Dark Materials series by Phillip Pullman and i went to the mall today and I bought my self presents and I don't feel guilty about it. Bought a new book called "Dress you up in my love" by Diane Stingley...

READ IT!!! let me say that again READ IT. READ. IT.

Marvelous book... even the chapter names are funny... the critics say "Stingley writes like Nick Hornby on estrogen" well they're wrong, she's better. I'll have exceprts up and I'm not going to tell you what it's about and spoil it, but go read it. It's worth it I swear.

"Karma is just a nice way of saying the Universe holds a grudge"

"Looking at the neighborhood I grew uo in... it might seem hard to believe that anything much ever happened there. But it did: failies lived there. There were secrets to hide, problems to pretend didn't exist, neuroses to develop and nurture along to adulthood. Life in suburbia wasn't all just lawn mowing."

"He had big blue eyes and think, wavy hair that I would have killed for. It wasn't any of that, though, that got my erogenous zones hopping. He had an air about him, a way of holding himself, even standing still, that commanded attention. And the sexiest walk I'd ever seen in my life. No that's not rigth either. Those are details. It wasn't anything I can name in particular. I don't know what it was that set him apart from all the others and melted my heart and loins. He just did. And I bet if you asked Juliet, she'd tell you the same thing about Romeo. "I don't know," she'd say, there's just something about him."

"We went out for the next two years and I thought we had it all: friendship, laughter, great sex, and, of course, our undying eternal love that would outlast the stars. Even though we never talked about it, I took it fro granted that we were headed into a future together. Maybe we should have talked about it."

Well any way the point is READ IT. 
...this is true. But she's my bitch.

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  • Name: ItGirl
  • DOB: 3.31.85
  • Location: Boyertown,PA,USA
  • Interests: Writing, Computer, Books, Comics, Movies, Cats, LJ...
  • Friends: Jess, Angie, Tim, Danna, Jasmine, Karen