Life is a bitch...
Life is my personal roller coaster
So today started out pretty blah... snoozed through most of english... fell asleep through part of math, but woke up just in time for notes. Damn but I'm good. I got a 90 percent on my math test. That's an A for those of you who didn't know. Almost makes up for that 68 a few weeks back. Perhaps I never mentioned this, but if you know me you've heard me talk about him. There's this kid in my math class in a wheelchair, brown eyes, geogeous smile and the kid's hysterical... I've had something of a crush on him since class began, well today he stops me after class, says ,"There's soemthing I've been meaning to tell you. You have the best body I have ever seen." No Kidding, thats what he said. I didn't know weather to be embarrassed or to kiss the boy. Told me he'd regret not saying anything. I've never been so happy... well, no, that's not right, but I was DAMN happy. After class Jess and I were supposed to go to the mall but he had a bit of a problem so I picked him up we did a quick fix job on his car, he skipped class and we patrolled the mall looking for Christmas presents. I found two. Both pretty decent. Now I need Jess, Jay, Mom and Dad. Life is good ... and bad... it evens out.
My life is only simulated on days that end in "y"
Hello Hello. No, no, don't get up. I'd like to thank my mother, my ladie, my magical intelligent being. I'd like to thank my cuzes without whom there would be no love, actually. Such forth and so on. I was expecting a shitty break and it actaully wasn't so bad. Almost perfect... two minor exceptions and I would have had heaven on earth. Impressive huh?
Today wasn't so great though. It appears I've got mad finals... though only art and english will be a problem... i need six christmas gifts and I only have ideas for one of them. I have two large papers due... wednesday and I appear to have SARS... no just kidding about that last one. I geuss it doesn't sound so bad, but you fail to take into account that I am one of the most gifted procrastinators you will ever meet. I swear I can put today off until tomorrow. =P
I've been downloading Sim skins and I currently look like Yuna from FFX. My neighbors are Spike from Cowboy Bebop and Cloud from FFVII, plus some strange biker chick and an artist. I also downloaded these two lovely teleporters and I am quite fond of them. Simply click the name of the person you want to see and voila one slightly dazed Sim wandering your house. It's nice. See right now I should be working on one of my papers but NO... I'm either doing this or playins SIms or one of million much more intereseting things i could be doing.