I want you - Pulp
Another day another 200 dollars. Shelling out for books wasn't so bad it was carrying them all back across campus that killed me. Got our schedules this morning. I'm a few credits short so I've got to go fix that on WEdnesday or Thursday... I REALLY hope an Italian clas opens up or I might end up in a Physics class. Scary.
I'd like to tell you all taht college is great and wonderful and I'm loving every minute of it, but to tell the truth... it's much the same as being enywhere else, except I'm stuck here alone and without milk. It's been a shitty couple of months and I predict it will only get worse. (How's that for being like Tim?) But it doesn't matter. I've been thinking about it and nothing really does. I mean that's the point right. You do things one after the other and maybe they matter, but not for long, people forget and no one cares forever... even your lover mourns only for so long. Perhaps one day some one will sit down and say O yes... I knew her once... what was her name again? and you know what they'll say... It doesn't matter. And they'll be right. Nothing matters past now, because everything you do is worthless. It seems bleak, but honestly... and honesty is very important... you have to think about it as a whole. Say You loved someone... really loved some one... in ten years will it matter? Only if you're still alive. in one hundred years? of course it won't. Why would it? even love lasts only as long as the lover. And lovers are fletting. One day you're the one... the only person in the universe for them... good enough to be their wife... their best friend... and the next you are simply a person they know. Much like any of the other people in their life. They'll talk to you and care about you, but really you are nothing to them. They do not mourn your loss, for you are gone... the lucky ones lose their lovers when they die, so they do not mourn either. The unlucky ones live. Knowing everyday that a large part of their life was a lie, foolish dreams, and useless passion.
Eh screw it huh. I want to whine and complain and moan... and I know you're reading this, actaully maybe you aren't... it would fit. But it doesn't matter because you read my diary once right? Twice... my bad. And this is my diary now... No sense in lying so I'll keep it all out front. I kissed Tim and I never told you. It was a good kiss, but it was only a kiss. I love Tim, yes, a little more then you love me now, but no I did not love him... not in the beginning, not then, not now. And yes I dumped you... I didn't want to, but I did, because it was the right thing to do. I promised you once... many things... I make you no promises now, or again, because they are worth nothing to you. And When you asked me out in the fireworks... I said yes, because I loved you and wanted nothing more then everything to be right again... and two hours later you dumped me. It wasn't right... it wasn't good enough... I wasn't. I suppose I never was, but even a realist like me likes to believe that some one can love them despite their faults. And you asked me out and i DID say no. Because I was hurt and angry and so much in love with you that it killed me. It was thoughtless rejection to you... the moment wasn't right... wasn't good enough... and the next day when you asked me out... there was nothing special about it You held me in your arms the way you used to, like a lover and you siad to me "Will you go out with me?" "I did not think about it... I said yes, because I wanted you... there was nothing special about it... no fireworks, no dress bought just for the occassion... just a girl and a boy in a driveway. Perhaps it was jsut guilt on your part... perhaps it was over even then and I diodnt' want to see. And I remember the last time to. You sitting on my bed and me facing you and when you did it that last time I didn't cry and niether did you. I don't even remember if you left... just your face watching me. But I remember after that to... laying close on the bed watching movies sitting on your couch ofter class watching TV... I remember chinese food and trips to lunch... I remember it, and that hurts most of all, because you must have not loved me even then, and I never knew... I knew you didn't trust me, but I didn't expect you too. I thought it would take awhile... then I saw less of you, and I was lonely and I wanted to see you, but there was never time. There was class or something else, but I wasn't worried,because Christmas break would be soon and I could spend everyday with you. They couldn't keep me away then. But it's funny how things work out. Sometimes I believe that God is vengeful... or in karma... or other kinds of retribution. I felt like I desrved it, to lose you, my best and only real friend. because you are lost whatever you say. You will never trust me again... no matter what... never love me again... I was never your one. Sometimes I think about the irony of it all... I always told you you couldn't love me liek taht you never even kissed anyone else... and I wasn't lying.
Dinner will be soon, but I'm not going... maybe I'll order some Chinese food and eat in my bed.
P.S. Ladie I know you're reading this. I love you. I'll see you soon.